John Brown: A Bibliography



Horwitz, Tony.  Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War (2011).


Reynolds, David S. John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seed Civil Rights (2006).

John Brown and the Valley of the Shadow
This site has some unique features such as:

Articles in the Valley Spirit, Cambridge, PA: The Harper's Ferry Trouble; Trial of the Insurrectionists, November 2, 1859

Proceedings of Harper's Ferry trial, from Charlestown. Takes up entire first page.
This article is continued on Page 8.

Images of John Brown's "Fort" at Harper's Ferry
It was in this building that John Brown and several of his followers barricaded themselves during the final hours of their ill-fated raid of October 16, 17, and 18, 1859.

The Life, Trial and Execution of Captain John Brown
An 1859 account posted by Yale Law School's Avalon Project.

John Brown's Speech to the Court
This was John Brown's last speech during his trial by by the Commonwealth of Virginia
in Charlestown (now part of West Virginia).

Stephen Oates on John Brown (video)
The audio and video clips shown here comprise an interview with Dr. Stephen B. Oates conducted at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park on June 30, 1994, on the occasion of the park's 50th Anniversary.

The American Experience: John Brown's Holy War
Excellent overview based on the PBS film

Timeline of John Brown's Life
Excellent reference for the chronology of events leading up to the hanging of John Brown.

John Brown and the Valley of the Shadow
Detailed account of John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry

John Brown/Boyd B. Stutler Collection Collection
West Virginia State Archives: an excellent database of John Brown related images and documents

Search the database with topic: John Brown Trial and Execution
You will get many cites to photos, but on the inner pages, the findings include:

TITLE: The Life, Trial and Execution of John Brown
DATE: 1859
DESCRIPTION: Pamphlet, The Life, Trial and Execution of John Brown, published by Robert M. De Witt. This pamphlet contains information on John Brown's earlier days in Kansas and continues on up to the time of the execution after the Harpers Ferry raid. This record, pages 55-74, covers first examination of the prisoners; trial of John Brown. Includes pictures of the attack on the Engine House and of John Brown returning to prison after being sentenced to death. Pamphlet is 108 pages and is bound in John Brown Pamphlets, Vol. 1, assembled by Boyd Stutler.

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