February 7, 1906

[McConnell was examined by Defense Attorney Lewis Shepherd:]

SHEPHERD: Do you know or have you met Will Hixson?

McCONNELL: Yes, judge. I know him.

SHEPHERD: Where do you know him ftom?

McCONNELL:Well, judge, the morning before Ed was arrested ...

SHEPHERD: That also would be the day after the St. Elmo crime?

McCONNELL: Yes, sir, judge. Will Hixson came to my coal yard and inquired of me concerning a man working at the rock" church. I told him I know the men only by sight and not by name, except one. That is Ed Johnson. I know Ed pretty well. That's when Will Hixson told me that Ed was the man the sheriff wanted for the outrage the night before.

SHEPHERD: And what did you say?

McCONNELL: It can't be Johnson. He's like me. He may have enough sense to do such a thing, but he isn't brave enough.

SHEPHERD: What did Will Hixson say?

McCONNELL: He wanted to know what Ed Johnson looked like and I was describing him when Ed and another fella walked by the office headed toward town. I pointed Johnson out to Hixson.

SHEPHERD: And then what?

McCONNELL: Hixson left the office and followed behind Johnson toward the city.